Letters To The Editor

The more letters-to-the-editor written by Republicans, the more chance to have our opinions printed! Express your opinion often!



  • Reference the article or issue you that you are reacting to in the subject line.
  • Be brief – 125 words or less (200 maximum). The more to-the-point you are, the better your chances of getting into the paper.
  • Include your name, address and phone (for verification), or your letter may be excluded.

The Chatham News/The Chatham Record

Send an email letter to: Randall Rigsbee, Managing Editor [email protected]

The Chatlist (an online email that is read by almost 5000 residents)

Send and email to [email protected]

If you have never sent something to the chatlist you must first subscribe. I encourage everyone to subscribe. 

Subscribe to the Chatlist

Raleigh News Observer
To send an email letter: http://www.newsobserver.com/opinion/letters
Mailed letters should be sent to: The People’s Forum PO Box 191 Raleigh, NC 27602
You can also fax letter to (919) 829-4872
Call (919) 829-4517 with questions. 

Cary News
To send an email letter: http://www.carynews.com/opinion
Mailed letters should be sent to: Letters to the Editor 212 East Chatham Street, Cary, NC 27511
Fax: (919) 460-6034
E-mail: [email protected]
For more information about these guidelines, contact Editor Wendy Lemus at [email protected] or (919) 460-2605.

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